Our Tanzanian adventures
Our Dream
We have founded Babu’s Truck with the simple vision to give families, groups and individuals the same experience of Tanzania that we are able to give our friends and family through having grown up and lived in Tanzania for years.
Adventurous Spirit or Born Romantic
When organising a trip of a lifetime there is no one-size-fits-all. Even within a family unit, one person may want to be out from dawn till dusk, scouring the landscape for those elusive wild dogs whilst another prefers to sit on a veranda and watch a warthog wander into view. We ask questions, we listen, we look to understand all your expectations. We give you options, we are flexible, we are transparent and we offer solutions that will cater for everyone.
Explore Nature
We’ll help you explore all aspects of the bush. Animals, birds, trees and vegetation. Our guides know the zoology, biology, African folklore and stories which allow every drive to be truly inspiring and educational. Personally trained by us, our guides share our passion and love to impart their knowledge.